Painters with first name beginning with the letter A.
Albert Edelfelt (1854-1905)
Albert Joseph Moore (1841-1893)
Albert Lynch (1851-1912)
Albert Neuhuys (1844-1914)
Albert Porta
Albert Rafols Casamada
Alberto Donaire
Alberto Magnelli
Alberto Pasini (1826-1899)
Alberto Vargas
Albrecht Altdorfer (1480-1538)
Alejandro Cano Bolado
Aleksey Antropov
Alessandro Allori
Alessandro Botticelli(1444-1510)
Alessandro Magnasco (1667-1749)
Alessandro Turchi (1578-1649)
Alex Katz
Alexander Ivanov
Alexander Koester (1864-1932)
Alexandre Cabanel (1823-1889)
Alexandre de Riquer
Alexandre Nicolas Benois
Alexandre-Gabriel Decamps (1803-1860)
Alexei Alexeivich Harlamoff (1848-1915)
Alexey Bogoliubov(1824-1898)
Alfonso de Olivares
Alfonso Fraile